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Why have fans dubbed Asuka 'the lucky one' following Carmella's pregnancy announcement? Bizarre reas

WWE Superstar Asuka is receiving some interesting attention following Carmella and Corey Graves' announcement that they're expecting a child in November. The Empress of Tomorrow has been connected to the former SmackDown Women's Champion in a strange way.

A tweet by @CreatureLives seems to imply that the Grand Slam Champion might be somewhat responsible for several WWE Superstars' pregnancies. In a famous segment following Money in the Bank 2020, Becky Lynch awarded the then-MITB winner with the RAW Women's Championship, stating that she was leaving to focus on becoming a mother.

In February 2021, Lacey Evans was set to challenge Asuka for the RAW Women's Championship, only to be pulled from the match when she revealed she was also pregnant. Oddly enough, it was implied that Ric Flair was the father before the storyline was completely dropped.

As far as Carmella goes, she faced the veteran in one of her last TV matches in March, and her final bout at a live event at Madison Square Garden was a 10-women tag match where she faced – you guessed it – Asuka.

This makes three pregnancies in WWE across three years where the former champion was involved with the expecting mother. Seriously, what is in that mist? Is she some sort of good luck charm for situations like this?

Asuka was supposed to lose the RAW Women's Championship to Lacey Evans

Not only was the RAW Women's Championship match between Lacey Evans and Asuka halted in 2021, but the Southern Belle was set to win her first title at Elimination Chamber.

Following Lacey Evans' departure from the road, Fightful Select broke the news that Evans was originally going to go over the champion at the event. Reportedly, she would take the title into her ongoing feud with Charlotte Flair, which would have led to a match at WrestleMania 37.

While it might not have been the best timing for the story, Lacey Evans has always been proud to be a great mother with a career.

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